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Institutional Repository of Advocate Health - Midwest: FAQ

Purpose and scope of SHARE @ Advocate Health - Midwest, plus benefits and features for individual authors and graduate medical education programs

Frequently Asked Questions


What is SHARE? How is it different from the Pure portal?

SHARE @ Advocate Health - Midwest is a digital archive for collecting, preserving, and disseminating the research and intellectual output of Advocate Health - Midwest teammates. The primary function of SHARE is to gather the scholarly output of our teammates. Additionally, the repository hosts two journals ( Journal of Patient-Centered Research and Reviews and Journal of Geriatric Emergency Medicine ) as well as historical documents and images from our institutional history.

Pure profiles and pages allow individual authors and medical education programs to highlight their scholarly works. The Library hosts and maintains these profiles, updating them on an ongoing basis or when notified of new publications. Information flows from SHARE into all applicable Pure profiles and pages. It is important that authors always submit works to SHARE first so that they will be included in the entire body of work produced by Advocate Health - Midwest teammates. This also ensures that they will show in all relevant reports. After they have been added to SHARE, works can be added to Pure profiles.

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What kind of content is included in SHARE?

Content includes, but is not limited to:

  • Published journal articles
  • Book chapters and books
  • Conference abstracts (full-text preferred)
  • Conference posters (full-text preferred)
  • Archival material such as photos, annual reports, digital publications, etc.

We collect material that was created while at least one of the authors was affiliated with Advocate Health - Midwest.

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Why should I submit my work to SHARE? How does it benefit me?

Benefits for individual authors included in SHARE include:

  • Visibility: Google will find your work more easily
  • Discoverability: Find out what your colleagues across the system are working on and identify opportunities for collaboration
  • Publicity: Showcase scholarly works of your department or specialty
  • Demonstrating your impact: Monthly readership reports sent to all authors; dashboard metrics include downloads, geographic reach, and PlumX alternative metrics; readership maps also available

In addition, adding your works to SHARE will help us create a more complete picture of the scholarly output our teammates are generating.

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SHARE is missing some of my work. How do I submit it for inclusion?

Please submit scholarly activity using this form. This form is also available on the homepage of the repository site, by clicking Submit Scholarly Activity under the Contribute section of the left sidebar.

If you would like to learn more about the submission process, you may visit the Advocate Health - Midwest Library guide on repository submissions.

To submit works for consideration in the Journal of Patient-Centered Research and Reviews (JPCRR) or the Journal of Geriatric Emergency Medicine (JGEM), please see each journal’s author instructions.

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Will a Google search find SHARE material?

Yes. Items within SHARE and associated Pure profiles are discoverable via Google and Google Scholar.

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Are works included in SHARE available to the public?

The SHARE website itself is viewable to the public and any full-text, downloadable content typically is as well. This full-text content is mostly limited to poster PDFs, presentation slide decks, presentation recordings, and full-length articles published in either JPCRR or JGEM since those journals are hosted on the same platform as the repository.

For the majority of items in SHARE, full-text access is only available for teammates onsite or with remote credentials.

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How can I find the full text for an item in SHARE?

Advocate Health - Midwest teammates can find the full text of an item within SHARE by clicking the “Teammate Access” button. This will route them through library resources if it is an item in a journal we subscribe to. If it is not, it will take teammates to an article request page so they can request that the library obtain a copy of the article for them.

For individuals not affiliated with Advocate Health - Midwest, please click the DOI link at the bottom of the SHARE entry to see access options. You may find the item is open access, and if not, you will see options to purchase the material directly.

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Do I need to be concerned about any copyright issues?

Since we route through library resources to provide full-text access for most of the items in SHARE, copyright is not a concern. If you have created an item such as a conference poster or slide deck and it has not been published elsewhere, you retain the copyright. These items may be posted on SHARE without issue.

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Can you tell me more about Graduate Medical Education program representation in SHARE and/or the Pure portal?

Several Advocate Health - Midwest Graduate Medical Education programs are represented in SHARE (Advocate GME programs, Aurora GME programs) and/or Pure.

Benefits for Graduate Medical Education programs include:

  • Visibility: Google will find your faculty and trainee work more easily
  • Discoverability: Find out what teammates across the system are working on and identify opportunities for collaboration
  • Publicity: Showcase scholarly works of entire resident or fellowship program
  • Demonstrating your impact: Monthly readership reports sent to all authors; reports and readership maps available by program; dashboard metrics include downloads, geographic reach, and PlumX alternative metrics; ACGME Web-Ads supplementary reports available

If your program is not represented, please fill out this form to request that your program be added.

If you aren’t ready to fill out the form but would like to contact the Library to discuss your options, please email us and we will set up a meeting with you.

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How can I get my own Pure profile?

To request your own Pure profile, please fill out this form. To be eligible for a profile, individuals must:

  • be currently affiliated with Advocate Health - Midwest, and
  • have at least two works already entered in SHARE, our institutional repository

It is important that you have the following information gathered before you begin. Please note that the form must be completed in one session, so allow at least 10 minutes to do so.

1. Biosketch: Short introductory text describing yourself and your work

2. Headshot: Professional, high resolution image file [.jpeg, .jpg, .bmp, .gif, .png, .svg, .ico / maximum file size of 100.0 MB]

3. Current scholarly works: Preferably in CV format [.pdf, .doc, .docx, .odt, .txt, .xls, .xslx, .ods / maximum file size of 100.0 MB]

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If I leave Advocate Health - Midwest, will my work remain in SHARE? What about my Pure profile?

The mission of the institutional repository is to capture the scholarly activity of the entire organization. For this reason, works collected during your tenure at the organization will remain in the repository even after you leave. However, we will stop adding any of your new work to SHARE at that point.

Once we know of your departure, we will inactivate your Pure profile.

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I don’t work at Advocate Health - Midwest and never have. Why is my work in SHARE?

We collect materials into our repository that have at least one author that was affiliated with Advocate Health - Midwest at the time the work was created. The most likely explanation for why your work was included in our repository is that one of your co-authors was affiliated with our organization. If this is not the case and you believe your work was added in error, please contact us so we can investigate.

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I have historical materials. Can I get these included in SHARE?

SHARE does include images and documents that pertain to the history of Advocate Health - Midwest and its legacy institutions. For small amounts of content, please use our Submit Historical Content form and we will consider your submissions for inclusion. For large amounts of historical content, please contact the Library so we can discuss the materials you have and evaluate whether they would be appropriate for inclusion in our repository’s historical collections.

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