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Institutional Repository of Advocate Health - Midwest: Pure Portal Profiles

Purpose and scope of SHARE @ Advocate Health - Midwest, plus benefits and features for individual authors and graduate medical education programs

Pure Profiles

The Pure portal section of SHARE contains profiles where individual authors and medical education programs can highlight their scholarly works. The Library hosts and maintains these profiles, updating them on an ongoing basis or when notified of new publications.

Individual authors may request access to customize their own profiles using this form. Please submit works to SHARE before adding them to your individual profile. This ensures that they will show in all relevant reports.

Requesting Your Own Pure Profile

To request your own SelectedWorks profile, please fill out this form. Profiles will only be created for individuals:

  • currently affiliated with Advocate Health - Midwest, and
  • that have at least two works already entered into SHARE, our institutional repository

It is important that you have the following information gathered before you begin filling out the form. Please note that the form must be completed in one session, so allow at least 10 minutes to do so.

1. Biosketch: Short introductory text describing yourself and your work

2. Headshot: Professional, high resolution image file [.jpeg, .jpg, .bmp, .gif, .png, .svg, .ico / maximum file size of 100.0 MB]

3. Current scholarly works: Preferably in CV format [.pdf, .doc, .docx, .odt, .txt, .xls, .xslx, .ods / maximum file size of 100.0 MB]