C-EFM Certification Practice Q&A
Prepare for your C-EFM (R) exam with C-EFM (R) Certification Practice Q&A. With 250 high-quality questions and comprehensive rationales based on the most recent NCC (R) exam blueprint, this essential resource is designed to help you study your way-sharpen your specialty knowledge with practice Q&A organized by exam topic or strengthen your test-taking skills with the 150-question practice test.
Publication Date: 2022
Certification and Core Review for Neonatal Intensive Care Nursing by AACN, AWHONN, et al
5th edition - From AACN, AWHONN, and NANN, Certification and Core Review for Neonatal Intensive Care Nursing, prepares you for your examination with hundreds of high-quality study questions and realistic test simulation. Based on the latest test plans of the AACN's CCRN®-Neonatal exam and the NCC's Neonatal Intensive Care Nursing (RNC-NIC) exam, review questions cover the changes to the Core Curriculum and reflect the latest evidence, essential knowledge, and best practices.
Publication Date: 2017
Core Curriculum for Neonatal Intensive Care Nursing by AWHONN, M. Terese Verklan, et al
6th edition - This renowned guide provides in-depth coverage of the most common neonatal disorders and their management - focusing on the latest evidence-based practice for preterm infants, medications, and antepartum-intrapartum complications. With timely content that sets the standard for neonatal nursing practice, this trusted reference is an excellent resource for practicing nurses working in any NICU worldwide.
Publication Date: 2021
Midwifery and Women's Health Nurse Practitioner Certification Review Guide by Beth M. Kelsey, Jamille Nagtalon-Ramos
5th edition - Midwifery & Women's Health Nurse Practitioner Certification Review Guide, Fifth Edition is a comprehensive review designed to help midwives and women's health nurse practitioners prepare for their certification exams. Based on the American Midwifery Certification Board (AMCB) and the National Certification Corporation (NCC) test blueprints, it contains numerous questions with answers and rationales representing those found on the exams.
Publication Date: 2021
Neonatal Nurse Practitioner Certification Intensive Review by Amy R. Koehn
This authoritative study guide delivers all the tools Neonatal Nurse Practitioners need to pass the NCC certification exam and the Continuing Competency Assessment (CCA). User friendly and concise, this review's content mirrors that of the actual exam and is structured in accordance with the most updated test plan blueprint.
Publication Date: 2020
Neonatal Nursing: Clinical Competencies and Education Guide by AWHONN
8th edition - This education guide outlines the required didactic instruction and clinical skills verification for all neonatal nurses working in levels 1-4 nurseries. The education guide may be used for a structured orientation program or for the ongoing validation of competence. Didactic content and the clinical skills requiring verification will depend on the neonatal population served.
Publication Date: 2024
Pediatric Nurse Certification Review by Maureen Fitzgerald, David Jack
This comprehensive study aid provides key foundational content, including detailed information on growth and development, physical and psychosocial assessment, and health promotion, as well as essential information for the management of clinical problems. Diagnostic details, nursing interventions, special considerations, discharge planning, and patient and family education are highlighted, and illustrations and images are included throughout.
Publication Date: 2022