This section highlights ways you can stay informed of new recommendations or updates that may change usual clinical practice, and trending or top articles in medical specialty areas.
ACP Journal Club
ACP Journal Club summarizes the best new evidence from 120 clinical journals. Once a bimonthly stand-alone journal, ACP Journal Club is now a monthly feature of Annals of Internal Medicine. Research staff and clinical editors rigorously assess the scientific merit of the medical literature as it is published and a worldwide panel of over 5000 physicians assesses the clinical relevance and newsworthiness of rigorous studies.
Trending on PubMed
From the PubMed main search page, scroll down to the bottom to see the trending articles or the latest literature.
Ovid Top Articles
With Ovid Top Articles you can easily browse the most read Ovid articles in the last three months. First select a subject, and then on the next screen select what month or journal title you would like to browse.