When you see "Sign In With My Card," enter your Advocate Health - Midwest single sign on (SSO) credentials. After you are logged in, you can start borrowing books!
You can view or listen to books within a web browser or through the Libby App, and Kindle Books can be read on a Kindle eReader - learn how.
Checkouts and Holds
- The default borrowing period for audio and eBooks is 14 days, but this can be changed to either 7 or 21 days.
- A maximum of three (3) audio or eBooks can be borrowed at a time.
- A maximum of three (3) holds can be placed on audio or eBooks.
Loan periods are subject to change.
Return Your Books Early!
When you are finished with a book, you can return it early so that other people can borrow the book and so that you can check our more items.
On the website or app:
- Click/tap the shelf icon at the bottom of the screen
- Look for "Manage Loan" near the book cover. Click/tap this button and select "Return Early."