You can use the "Find Full Text" feature to have EndNote locate and attach full text links or files to citations in your EndNote library. Follow these instructions to enable this feature.
In EndNote 20, go to Edit > Preferences, select "Find Full Text" and use the following configuration:
- Uncheck the box next to Web of Science Full Text Links.
- For the OpenURL Path, use:
- Authenticate with this URL:
We recommend not selecting "Automatically invoke Find Full text on newly-imported references." Checking this box will slow down your computer.

To use this feature, highlight the citations that you want to retrieve the full text of, right click on the list, and select Find Full Text.

If you are not on an Advocate Health - Midwest network, you may be prompted to login to your SSO account.
EndNote will attempt to retrieve the full text of the articles. There are instances when EndNote cannot access the articles full text, for instance, some publisher websites will not allow EndNote to automatically download content from their sites.