Laposata's Laboratory Medicine: Diagnosis of Disease in Clinical Laboratory by Michael Laposata3rd edition - Laboratory Medicine is a comprehensive guide for learning how to order the correct laboratory test and understand the clinical significance of the results. Chapters begin with a brief description of the disorder followed by discussion. Valuable learning aids in each chapter, including learning objectives, chapter outlines, and chapter-ending self-assessment Q&A
Publication Date: 2018
Text and Atlas of Wound Diagnosis and Treatment by Rose Hamm3rd edition - Delivers outstanding visual guidance and clear, step-by-step instruction on caring for patients with wounds. Each chapter follows a similar design with consistent headings; brief bulleted text; and numerous, high-quality illustrations. Learning aids include case studies, chapter objectives, assessment guidelines, chapter references, chapter summaries, end-of-chapter board-style review questions.
Publication Date: 2024
The Patient History: Evidence-Based Approach by Mark Henderson, Lawrence M. Tierney, et al2nd edition - This trusted guide is widely acclaimed for its skill-building and evidence based approach to the medical history. Defines best practices for the patient interview and explains how to effectively elicit information from the patient in order to generate an accurate differential diagnosis. Case scenarios introduce each chapter and place history-taking principles in clinical context. Self-assessment multiple choice Q&A conclude each chapter.
Basic Concepts in Pharmacology: What You Need to Know for Each Drug Class, Sixth Edition by Janet L. Stringer6th edition - This updated edition includes the popular Trivia Sorter, which helps you understand the mechanism of action for the class of drugs and its side effects; consider if the drug is for a disorder or symptom; determine the unique features of single drugs in this class; and know the side effects and drug interactions of the class of drugs.
Publication Date: 2022
Genetics eBooks
Medical Genetics: An Integrated Approach by G. Bradley Schaefer, James N. ThompsonA complete introductory text on how to integrate basic genetic principles into the practice of clinical medicine. Contains all the pertinent information necessary to build a strong knowledge base for being successful on every step of the USMLE Case Study Application - Incorporates case study examples to illustrate how basic principles apply to real-world patent care.
Publication Date: 2014
Genomic Medicine: A Practical Guide by Laura J. Tafe, Maria E. Arcila1st edition - A high-yield reference book that compiles critical information related to molecular biomarkers for various solid tumor and hematologic malignancy subtypes. It is succinct yet comprehensive enough to be suitable for fellows in training and medical professionals with an interest in molecular pathology and biomarkers. In addition, it is an accessible for trainees as a board review preparation reference.
Publication Date: 2020
Pathology eBooks
Pathology: The Big Picture by William Kemp, Dennis K. Burns, et al1st edition - Focus on what you need to know to score high on the course and board exam. If you want a streamlined and definitive look at Pathology, with just the right balance of information to give you the edge at exam time, turn to Pathology: The Big Picture. You'll find a succinct, user-friendly presentation designed to make even the most complex concept understandable. USMLE-type questions/answers and explanations to help you anticipate what you'll encounter on the exams.
Publication Date: 2008
Physiology eBooks
Big Picture Physiology-Medical Course and Step 1 Review by Jonathan D. Kibble2nd edition - Medical Physiology: The Big Picture - Medical Course and Step 1 provides text and videos, all in one location to help the reader better comprehend content. This complete, yet concise treatment covers all the major topics in medical physiology. A full practice test organized by body system to allow either comprehensive testing or focused review.
Publication Date: 2020
Ganong's Medical Physiology Examination and Board Review by Kim E. Barrett, Susan M. Barman, et al.2nd edition - The review students need to excel on their medical physiology course exams and the USMLE. This powerful review follows the format of the acclaimed Katzung & Trevor's Pharmacology Examination & Board Review. It delivers a concise overview of essential high-yield topics and fundamental concepts, followed by USMLE-style Q&A.
Vander's Renal Physiology by Douglas C. Eaton, John Pooler10th edition - The best review of renal physiology available for USMLE® Step 1--completely updated with the latest research Combining the latest research with a fully integrated teaching approach, This edition clearly and expertly explains how the kidneys affect other body systems and how they in turn are affected by these systems.
Publication Date: 2023
Biology eBooks
Histology and Cell Biology: Examination and Board Review, Sixth Edition by Douglas F. Paulsen6th edition - Histology and Cell Biology is designed and formatted in a way that helps you make the most of your time, whether you're studying this topic for the first time or reviewing for the USMLE. This popular LANGE guide provides everything you need to know about the four basic tissues types, and organs and organ systems.
Publication Date: 2021
Medical Biochemistry: The Big Picture by Lee W. Janson, Marc TischlerMedical Biochemistry: The Big Picture is a unique biochemistry review that focuses on the medically applicable concepts and techniques that form the underpinnings of the diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment of medical conditions. Those preparing for the USMLE, residents, as well as clinicians who desire a better understanding of the biochemistry behind a particular pathology will find this book to be an essential reference.
Publication Date: 2018
Levinson's Review of Medical Microbiology and Immunology: a Guide to Clinical Infectious Disease by Peter Chin-Hong, Elizabeth A. Joyce, et al18th edition - Ace your medical courses and pass the Boards with the most up-to-date review of medical microbiology and immunology! This trusted, popular guide provides a high-yield review of the most important aspects of microbiology and immunology in a concise yet comprehensive style. This text covers both basic and clinical aspects of bacteriology, virology, mycology, parasitology, and immunology. Important infectious diseases are discussed using an organ system approach.