Antenatal Midwifery Skills by Alison Edwards
2nd edition - This new edition of Antenatal Midwifery Skills has been updated to reflect the most up to date guidance around the care of childbearing women. along each step in the journey from pregnancy to postnatal/neonatal care.
Publication Date: 2020
Labour Midwifery Skills by Alison Edwards
2nd edition - Labour Midwifery Skills provides all the crucial information relating to the childbirth process. Underpinned with sections on related anatomy and physiology, it provides a breadth of information, including routine care in labour, managing obstetric emergencies, CTG interpretation and related skills such as catheterisation and vaginal examination.
Publication Date: 2020
Postnatal and Neonatal Midwifery Skills by Alison Edwards
2nd edition - Postnatal and Neonatal Midwifery Skills considers the time following the birth and the care required for women and their babies in the postnatal period. Whilst covering the key principles of postnatal care including postnatal examinations of mother and baby alongside infant feeding information, this is the first pocket reference to include the skills for the new-born and Infant Physical examination.
Publication Date: 2021
Perspectives on Midwifery and Parenthood by Rita Borg Xuereb, Julie Jomeen
1st edition - This book explores contemporary issues relating to parenthood and midwifery. Midwives work in close contact with and address the diverse needs of women and men during one of the most critical life's transitions, preconception, pregnancy, childbirth and early parenting and its long term implications on the psychosocial, emotional, physical and spiritual wellbeing of parents and infants. The chapters cover the transition and preparation for parenthood, midwives and parental-fetal-tie in pregnancy, perinatal mental health, maternal well-being, social challenges and parenthood including drug and alcohol use in pregnancy, intimate partners' violence, diversity of family formation, breastfeeding, and more.
Publication Date: 2022
Midwifery and Women's Health Nurse Practitioner Certification Review Guide by Beth M. Kelsey, Jamille Nagtalon-Ramos
5th edition - Midwifery & Women's Health Nurse Practitioner Certification Review Guide, Fifth Edition is a comprehensive review designed to help midwives and women's health nurse practitioners prepare for their certification exams. Based on the American Midwifery Certification Board (AMCB) and the National Certification Corporation (NCC) test blueprints, it contains numerous questions with answers and rationales representing those found on the exams.
Publication Date: 2021