As soon as a work is fixed in a tangible medium, it is protected by copyright law. Creative Commons licenses provide copyright owners a simple way to grant permissions to users of their work so that their work can be copied, distributed, or transformed by others without them having to reach out and ask for permission or weigh the fair use factors to use the work without asking permission.
Every Creative Commons license ensures that the original creator is credited for their work, but allows for whatever level of use the creator wishes. The Creative Commons site has a chooser tool to help the creator decide which license to adopt. Factors you'll consider include:
- whether you want to allow commercial uses of your work (i.e. can others profit from it?)
- whether you want to allow others to adapt or build upon your work (derivative works)
- if you allow others to transform your work, whether you want to require them to assign to their derivative work the same Creative Commons license as you assigned to yours (share and share alike)